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SCAD x The Mill Week 06
Shot 03 Update
To add more detail to the peeling seat and make it looks more like leather, I revisit the edge fracture. Instead of using noise, I cut the pieces by using geometry, which allows to cut it more customized. Moreover, I added thickness to the peeling geometry by using vellum post process node.
Vis Update
Shot 02 Update
In the first few frames of the vellum sim, the geometry jiggles so I did a time shift to the position when it stays rested. After fixing the deforming tire geometry problem from last week, the peeling geometry won't penetrate through the tire anymore.
using time shift to avoid unexpected behavior
undeformed geo
deformed geo
Deforming using fit function instead of lattice deform.
The goal is to keep the boundary of the tire in original shape and deform the part that hits the ground.
Shot 03 Update
We updated our camera movement so it won't cut through the tire at the end. Also fixed the tilting camera movement at start.
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